- Integrated driving behavior models, Ph.D. thesis, MIT, 2002
- Equilibrium traffic assignment model incorporating capacities and queuing effects, M.Sc. thesis, Technion, 1998.
- Toledo T., Integrated model of driving behavior, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2008.
Journal papers
- Toledo T., Koutsopoulos H.N., Davol A., Ben-Akiva M., Burghout W., Andreasson I., Johansson T. and Lundin C., Calibration and validation of microscopic traffic simulation tools: Stockholm case study, Transportation Research Record 1831, pp. 65-75, 2003.
- Toledo T., Koutsopoulos H.N. and Ben-Akiva M., Modeling integrated lane-changing behavior, Transportation Research Record 1857, pp.30-38, 2003.
- Prashker J.N. and Toledo T., A gradient projection algorithm for side constrained traffic assignment, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 4(2), pp. 177-193, 2004.
- Toledo T., Ben-Akiva M., Darda D., Jha M. and Koutsopoulos H.N., Calibration of microscopic traffic simulation models with aggregate data, Transportation Research Record 1876, pp. 10-19, 2004.
- Jha M., Gopalan G., Garms A., Mahanti B.P., Toledo T. and Ben-Akiva M., Development and calibration of a large scale microscopic simulation model, Transportation Research Record 1876, pp. 121-131, 2004.
- Toledo T. and Koutsopoulos H.N., Statistical validation of traffic simulation models, Transportation Research Record 1876, pp. 142-150, 2004.
- Bekhor S. and Toledo T., Stochastic user-equilibrium algorithms based on the gradient projection method, Transportation Research Part B 39(3), pp. 279-295, 2005.
- Toledo T., Choudhury C. and Ben-Akiva M., A lane-changing model with explicit target lane choice, Transportation Research Record 1934, pp. 157-165, 2005.
- Toledo T. and Beinhaker R., Evaluation of the potential benefits of advanced traveler information systems, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 10(4), pp. 173-183, 2006.
- Toledo T. and Lotan T., In-vehicle data recorder for evaluation of driving behavior and safety, Transportation Research Record 1953, pp. 112-119, 2006.
- Toledo T., Driving behaviors: models and research directions, Transport Reviews 27(1), pp. 65-84, 2007.
- Toledo T., Koutopoulos H.N. and Ben-Akiva M., Integrated driving behavior modeling, Transportation Research Part C 15(2), pp. 96-112, 2007.
- Abbe E., Bierlaire M. and Toledo T., Normalization and correlation of cross nested logit models, Transportation Research Part B 41(7), pp. 795-808, 2007.
- Toledo T. and Zohar D., Modeling durations of lane changes, Transportation Research Record 1999, pp. 71-78, 2007.
- Toledo T., Koutopoulos H.N. and Ahmed K.I., Estimation of vehicle trajectories with locally weighted regression, Transportation Research Record 1999, pp. 161-169, 2007.
- Bekhor S., Reznikova L. and Toledo T., Application of cross nested logit route choice model in stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment, Transportation Research Record 2003, pp. 41-49, 2007.
- Toledo T., Albert G. and Hakkert S., Impact of active speed limiters on traffic flow and safety: a simulation-based evaluation, Transportation Research Record 2019, pp. 169-180, 2007.
- Farah H., Polus A., Bekhor S. and Toledo T., Study of passing gap acceptance behavior using a driving simulator, Advances in Transportation Studies, 2007 Special Issue, pp. 9-16, 2007.
- Bekhor S., Toledo T. and Prashker J., Effects of choice set size and route choice models on path-based traffic assignment, Transportmetrica 4(2), pp. 117-133, 2008.
- Toledo T., Musicant O. and Lotan T., In-vehicle data recorders for monitoring and feedback on drivers’ behavior, Transportation Research Part C 16(3), pp. 320-331, 2008.
- Farah H., Yechiam E., Bekhor S., Toledo T. and Polus A., Association of risk proneness in overtaking maneuvers with impaired decision making, Transportation Research Part F 11(5), pp. 313-323, 2008.
- Bekhor S., Toledo T. and Reznikova L., A path-based algorithm for the cross nested logit stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment, Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 24, pp. 15-25, 2008.
- Klein I., Toledo T. and Filin S., Early vehicle motion detection and applications, Transportation Research Record 2086, pp. 23-29, 2008.
- Toledo T. Koutsopoulos H.N. and Ben-Akiva M., Estimation of an integrated driving behavior model, Transportation Research Part C 17(4), pp. 365-380, 2009.
- Farah H., Bekhor S., Polus A. And Toledo T., A passing gap acceptance model for two-lane rural highways, Transportmetrica 5(3), pp. 159-172, 2009.
- Albert G., Toledo T. and Hakkert S.A., Monetary evaluation and comparison of safety improvements: The case of light good vehicles in Europe, International Journal of Transport Economics 36(2), pp. 177-196, 2009.
- Klein I., Filin S. and Toledo T., Pseudo-GPS in INS/GPS loosely-coupled integration approach, ATTI Journal of Italian Navigation Institute 190, pp. 35-44, 2009.
- Toledo T. and Katz R., State-dependence in lane changing models, Transportation Research Record 2124, pp. 81-88, 2009.
- Prato C.G., Toledo T. And Lotan T., Intra-familial transmission of driving behavior: evidence from in-vehicle data recorders, Transportation Research Record 2138, pp. 54-65, 2009.
- Prato C.G., Toledo T., Lotan T. and Taubman-Ben Ari O., Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure, Accident Analysis and Prevention 42(2), pp. 480-486, 2010.
- Klein I., Filin S. and Toledo T., Pseudo-measurements as aiding to INS during GPS outages, Navigation 57(1), pp. 25-34, 2010.
- Toledo T., Cats O., Burghout W. and Koutsopoulos H.N., Mesoscopic simulation for transit operations, Transportation Research Part C 18(6), pp. 896-908, 2010.
- Elias W., Shiftan Y. and Toledo T., The effect of daily activity patterns on crash involvement, Accident Analysis and Prevention 42(6), pp. 1682-1688, 2010.
- Farah H. and Toledo T., Passing behavior on two-lane highways, Transportation Research Part F 13(6) pp. 355-364, 2010.
- Cats O., Burghout W., Toledo T. and Koutsopoulos H.N., Mesoscopic modeling of bus public transportation, Transportation Research Record 2188, pp. 9-18, 2010.
- Klein I., Filin S. and Toledo T., Vehicle constraints enhancement for supporting INS navigation in urban environments, Navigation 58(1), pp. 7-15, 2011.
- Albert G., Toledo T. and Ben-Zion U., The role of personality factors in repeated route choice behavior: behavioral economics perspective, European Transport 48, pp. 47-59, 2011.
- Klein I., Filin S. and Toledo T., A modified loosely-coupled approach, Journal of Applied Geodesy 5(2), pp. 87-98, 2011.
- Cats O., Koutsopoulos H.N., Burghout W. and Toledo T., Effect of real-time transit information on dynamic path choices of passengers, Transportation Research Record 2217, pp. 46-54, 2011.
- Toledo T. and Farah H., Alternative definitions of passing critical gaps, Transportation Research Record 2260, pp. 76-82, 2011.
- Klein I., Filin S., Toledo T. and Rusnak I., Assessment of aided-INS performance, Journal of Navigation 65, pp. 169-185, 2012.
- Toledo T., Lotan T., Taubman – Ben-Ari O. and Grimberg E., Evaluation of a program to enhance young drivers’ safety in Israel, Accident Analysis and Prevention 45, pp. 705-710, 2012.
- Raiyn J. and Toledo T., Performance analysis and evaluation of short-term travel forecast schemes based on cellular mobile services, International Review of Civil Engineering 3(2), 2012.
- Tchetchik A., Fleischer A. and Toledo T., The impact of fear of flying on travelers’ flight choice – choice model with Latent Variables, Journal of Travel Research 51(5) pp. 653-663, 2012.
- Elias W., Assy N., Elias I., Toledo T., Yassin M., Armaly Z. and Bowirrat A., The detrimental danger of water-pipe (hookah) transcends the hazardous consequences of general health to the driving behavior, Journal of Translational Medicine 10(1):126, 2012.
- Bekhor S., Chorus C. and Toledo T., Stochastic user equilibrium for route choice model based on random regret minimization, Transportation Research Record 2284, pp. 100-108, 2012.
- Hilvert O., Toledo T. and Bekhor S., A framework and model for parking decisions, Transportation Research Record 2319, pp. 30-38, 2012.
- Toledo T. and Kolechkina T., Estimation of dynamic origin-destination matrices using linear assignment matrix approximations, IEEE Transactions on ITS 14(2), pp. 618-626, 2013.
- Farah H., Musicant O., Shimshoni Y., Toledo T., Grimberg E., Omer H. and Lotan T, The first year of driving: Can an in-vehicle data recorder and parental involvement make it safer?, Transportation Research Record 2327, pp. 26-33, 2013.
- Sun Y., Toledo T., Rosa K., Ben-Akiva M.E., Flanagan K., Sanchez R. and Spissu E., Route choice characteristics for truckers, Transportation Research Record 2354, pp. 115-121, 2013.
- Raiyn J. and Toledo T., Real-Time Short-term forecasting based on information management, Journal of Transportation Technologies 4(1), pp. 11-21, 2014.
- Farah H., Musicant O., Shimshoni Y., Toledo T., Grimberg E., Omer H. and Lotan T., Can providing feedback on driving behavior and training on parental vigilant care affect male teen drivers and their parents?, Accident Analysis and Prevention 69, pp. 62-70, 2014.
- Toledo T., Farah H., Morik S. and Lotan T., Driving exposure of Israeli young male drivers within a graduated driver licensing system, Transportation Research Part F 26, pp. 180-189, 2014.
- Albert G., Lotan T., Toledo T., Grimberg E. and Lasebnik M., Are young drivers as careful as they deem? In vehicle data recorders and self reports evaluations, European Transport Research Review 6, pp. 469-476, 2014.
- Raiyn J. and Toledo T., Real-rime road traffic anomaly detection, Journal of Transportation Technologies 4(3), pp. 256-266, 2014.
- Shimshoni Y., Farah H., Lotan T., Grimberg E., Dritter O., Musicant O., Toledo T. and Omer H., Effects of parental vigilant care and feedback on novice driver risk, Journal of Adolescence 38, pp. 69-80, 2015.
- Fleischer A., Tchetchik A. and Toledo T. , Does it pay to reveal safety information? The Effect of safety information on flight choice, Transportation Research Part C 56, pp. 210-220, 2015.
- Balasha T. and Toledo T., MESCOP: A mesoscopic traffic simulation model to evaluate and optimize signal control plans, Transportation Research Record 2488, pp. 1-9, 2015.
- Kanagaraj V., Asaithambi G., Toledo T. and Lee T.C., Trajectory data and flow characteristics of mixed traffic, Transportation Research Record 2491, pp. 1-11, 2015.
- Ben-Akiva M., Toledo T., Santos J., Cox N., Zhao F., Lee Y.J. and Marzano V., Freight data collection using GPS and web-based surveys: Insights from US truck drivers’ survey and perspectives for urban freight, Case Studies on Transport Policy 4(1), pp. 38-44, 2016.
- Farah H., Zatmeh S., Toledo T. and Wagner P., Impact of distracting activities and drivers’ cognitive failures on driving performance, Advances in Transportation Studies, 2016 Special Issue 1, pp. 71-82, 2016.
- Antoniou C., Barceló J., Breen M., Bullejos M., Casas J., Cipriani E., Ciuffo B., Djukic T., Hoogendoorn S., Marzano V., Montero L., Nigro M., Perarnau J., Punzo V., Toledo T., van Lint H., Towards a generic benchmarking platform for OD flows estimation/updating algorithms: design, demonstration and validation, Transportation Research Part C 66, pp. 79-98, 2016.
- Gil S., Taubman – Ben-Ari O. and Toledo T., A multidimensional intergenerational model of young males’ driving styles, Accident Analysis and Prevention 97, pp. 141-145, 2016.
- Asaithambi G., Kanagaraj V. and Toledo T., Driving behaviors: Models and challenges for non-lane based mixed traffic, Transportation in Developing Economies 2(2), 19, 2016.
- Dong H., Ben-Elia E., Cirillo C., Toledo T. and Prashker J.N., On negative correlation: Comparisons between multinomial Probit and GEV-based discrete choice models, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 13(4), pp. 356-379, 2017.
- Eherenfreund – Hager A., Taubman – Ben-Ari O., Toledo T. and Farah H., The effect of positive and negative emotions on young drivers: A simulator study, Transportation Research Part F 49, pp. 236-243, 2017.
- Toledo T., Mansour O. and Haddad J., Optimal dynamic tolls for managed lanes, Transportation Research Record 2606, pp. 28-37, 2017.
- Lima Azevedo C., Deshmukh N., Marimuthu B., Oh S., Marczuk K., Soh H., Basak K., Toledo T., Peh L-S. and Ben-Akiva M., SimMobility short-term: An integrated microscopic mobility simulator, Transportation Research Record 2622, pp.13-23, 2017.
- Varotto S., Farah H., Toledo T., van Arem B. and Hoogendoorn S., Resuming manual control or not? Modelling choices of control transitions in full-range adaptive cruise control, Transportation Research Record 2622, pp. 38-47, 2017.
- Varotto S.F., Farah H., Toledo T., van Arem B. and Hoogendoorn S.P., Modelling decisions of control transitions and target speed regulations in full-range adaptive cruise control based on risk allostasis theory. Transportation Research Part B 117, pp. 318-341, 2018.
- Mattas K., Makridis M., Hallac P., Alonso Raposo M., Thiel C., Toledo T. and Ciuffo B., Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on the Antwerp ring road, IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12(9), pp. 1036-1044, 2018.
- Ciuffo B., Makridis M., Toledo T. and Fontaras G., Capability of current car-following models to reproduce vehicle free-flow acceleration dynamics, IEEE Transactions of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19(11), pp. 3594-3603, 2018.
- Toledo T., Marom I., Grimberg E. and Bekhor S., Analysis of evacuation behavior in a wildfire event, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31, pp. 1366-1373, 2018.
- Toledo T. and Sharif S., The effect of information on drivers’ toll lane choices and travel times expectations, Transportation Research Part F 62, pp. 149-159, 2019.
- Manasra H. and Toledo T., Optimization-based operations control for public transportation service with transfers, Transportation Research Part C 105, pp. 456-467, 2019.
- Tao M., Antoniou C. and Toledo T., Hybrid machine learning algorithm and statistical time series model for network-wide traffic forecast, Transportation Research part C 111, pp. 352-372, 2020.
- Toledo T., Atasoy B., Jing P., Ding-Mastera J., Oliveira Santos J., Ben-Akiva M., Intercity truck route choices incorporating toll road alternatives using enhanced GPS data, Transportmetrica A 16(3), pp. 654-675. 2020.
- Toledo T., Balasha T. and Keblawi M., Optimization of Actuated Traffic Signal Plans Using a Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering part A 146(6), p. 04020041, 2020.
- Petrov T., Finkelberg I., Zarkhin N., Počta P., Buzna L., Gal-Tzur A., Kováčiková T., Toledo T. and Dado M., A framework coupling VISSIM and OMNET++ to simulate future intelligent transportation systems, Communications, 23(2), pp. C23-C29, 2021.
- Zatmeh-Kanj S. and Toledo T., Car following and microscopic traffic simulation under distracted driving, Transportation Research Record, 2675(8), pp. 643-656, 2021.
- Marom I. and Toledo T., Activities and social interactions during disaster evacuation, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61, p. 102370, 2021.
- Albert G., Bukchin D. and Toledo T., Evaluation of a public technology-based traffic enforcement program, Sustainability, 13, 11966, 2021.
- Shahin F., Elias W., Rosenfeld Y. and Toledo T., An optimization model for highway work zones considering safety, mobility and project cost, Sustainability, 14, 1442, 2022.
- Tenenboim E., Lucas-Alba A., Melchor O.M., Toledo T. and Bekhor S., Car following with an inertia-oriented driving technique: A driving simulator experiment, Transportation Research part F, 89, pp. 72-83, 2022.
- Finkelberg I., Petrov T., Gal-Tzur A., Zarkhin N., Počta P., Kováčiková T., Buzna L., Dado M. and Toledo T., The effects of vehicle-to-infrastructure communication reliability on performance of signalized intersection traffic control, IEEE Transactions of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(9), pp. 15450-15461, 2022.
- Kashyap NR M., Sivagnanasundaram K., Kanagaraj V., Asaithambi G. and Toledo T., Investigation of car-following models in disordered traffic using trajectory data obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles, Transportation Letters, 15(8), pp. 834-844, 2023.
- Shahin F., Elias W. and Toledo T., Effects of highway work zone temporary countermeasures, European Transport Research Review, 15, p. 20, 2023.
- Shahin F., Elias W. and Toledo T., Drivers’ perception of highway work zone risks, Transportation Engineering, 14, 100213, 2023.
- Petrov, Finkelberg I., Počta P., Buzna L., Zarkhin N., Gal-Tzur A. and Toledo T., An analytical approach to the estimation of vehicular communication reliability for intersection control applications, Vehicular Communications, 45, 100693, 2024.
- Keblawi M. and Toledo T., Automatic design of optimal actuated traffic signal plans with active transit priority, IEEE Transactions of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(6) pp. 5767-5779, 2024.
- Shahin F., Elias W. and Toledo T., Multi-objective optimization of highway work zones considering safety, mobility, and project cost, Sustainability 16, 7033, 2024.
Book Chapters
- Ben-Akiva M., Cortes M., Davol A., Koutsopoulos H.N. and Toledo T., Micro-simulation of urban networks, in World Transport Research, Park C.H., Cho R., Oh J., Hayashi Y. and Viegas J. eds., Pergamon Press, 2003.
- Toledo T., Koutsopoulos H.N., Ben-Akiva M. and Jha M., Microscopic traffic simulation: models and application, in Simulation Approaches in Transportation Analysis, Kitamura R. and Kuwahara M. eds., Springer, pp. 99-130, 2005.
- Choudhury C.F., Ben-Akiva M., Toledo T., Rao A. and Lee G., State dependence in driver behaviour models, in Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007, Allsop R., Bell M.G.H. and Heydecker B., eds., Elsevier Science, pp. 711-734, 2007.
- Toledo T. and Lotan T., In-vehicle data recorder for evaluation of driving behavior and safety, in Event Data Recorders: a Decade of Innovation, Clay G.H., Hinch J.A. and Steiner J., eds., SAE International, 2008. (Reprint of journal paper #10)
- Ben-Akiva M., Choudhury C.F. and Toledo T., Integrated lane changing models, in Transport Simulation: Beyond Traditional Approaches, Chung E. and Dumont A-G., eds., CRC Press, pp. 61-74, 2009.
- Ben-Akiva M., Koutsopoulos H.N., Toledo T., Yang Q., Choudhury C.F., Antoniou C. and Balakrishna R., Traffic simulation with MITSIMLab, in Fundamentals of Traffic Simulation, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Barcelo J., ed., Springer, pp. 233-268, 2010.
- Toledo T., Sun Y., Rosa K., Ben-Akiva M.E., Flanagan K., Sanchez R. and Spissu E., Decision making processes and factors affecting truck routing, in Freight Transport Modeling, Ben-Akiva M, Meersman H. and van de Voorde E., eds., Emerald, pp. 239-255, 2013.
- Toledo T., Kolechkina T., Wagner P., Ciuffo B., Azevedo C., Marzano V. and Flötteröd G., Network model calibration studies, in Traffic Simulation and Data: Validation methods and Applications, Daamen W., Buisson C. and S. Hoogendoorn, eds., CRC Press, pp. 141-162, 2015.
- Toledo T. and Lotan T., Feedback technologies to young drivers, in Handbook of Teen and Novice Drivers: Research, Practice, Policy, and Directions, Fisher D.L., Caird J.K., Horrey W.J. and Trick L.M., eds., CRC Press, pp. 305-318, 2017.